Thursday, June 25, 2015

     As I write this I am trying Kratom for the first time. I read about it recently in a Facebook post. Kratom, or Mitragyna speciosa, is a tropical tree in the coffee family, native to Southeast Asia. It has been used for hundreds of years in treating a variety of medical issues to uplift mood and treat health conditions ranging from fatigue to anxiety, chronic pain, opiate addiction and is even used recreationally. It has many different strains that are indicated for different uses - some give more energy, some are better for pain management, etc. There was an article in Forbes magazine about it which led to the author writing a blog which you can read here: His experiment was done strictly for using Kratom as a pick me up, like vitamin B. My experiment is for something much more serious.

     I have been in chronic pain for over 20 years. As a child I was ill all of the time. No wonder, since I have several diagnosis that affect my immune system. I am not going to write a book on my journey through the world of health but I will list my diagnoses and concurrent pain symptoms (simplified) and how the Kratom treats, or fails to treat, them. 

Trigeminal Neuralgia (horrible stabbing facial pain)
Fibromyalgia (All over aches and pains- skin, muscle and joint)
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (Pain, in hands)
Cluster Migraines (Nausea and vomiting with horrible headache)
PCOS (painful periods)
Hasimoto's (Hypothyroid Autoimmune) (achiness)
Ankylosing Spondylitis (Severe back and joint pain)
Bulging Discs (Severe back pain)
Ehlers-Danlos Sydrome (Severe joint pain)
Heel spurs and Platars Fasciitis (Feels like I'm walking on glass sometimes)

I currently have no insurance or doctor. I am on no medications. I take no drugs.  I have fatigue and pain at all times. I have been prescribed pain medications from Ibuprofen 800 to Oxycontin and Methedone (yes, for pain not addiction.) I have also been prescribed anti anxiety medications such as Xanax and Klonopin. I digess.

After extensive internet research I ordered 2 ounces of Red Sumatran Ultra Premium Kratom for Mood & Mind-  a well respected internet source. It seems the internet is the only good place to get it. Some head shops sell it for inflated prices and the quality seems to be lacking. Plus, that just makes it look like a drug for getting high and not what it actually is- a medication. It took 4 days to arrive. They also sent me a free 5 gram sample of Dark Kalimantan. Both of these strains are touted as being better for pain relief than some of the others, which are better for energy or mood.

     At first I took 2.5 grams. I made a cup of my favorite tea and added lemon and honey. I read that the lemon can potentiate the alkalinity of the Kratom powder. It took about 20 minutes for me to first start feeling the effects, which were a light speedy buzz of energy. Since I have been in a lot of pain lately,  because of a flare in my back, I wanted to get some of this miracle pain killing effect. I waited the whole hour but the pain wasn't going anywhere. I took 2.5 grams more and it took about 45 minutes before I felt my pain decrease. I would say that my pain went from a 6 to a 1-2. I am trying the other strain tomorrow. I will keep you informed 

UPDATE: Last evening after I finished this post I went with my husband to run errands. I realized about halfway through our trip that I was stoned. I was very stuck in my own head and had to apologize to my husband for being so quiet.